Lodging houses
«This is my home because it is the place where I feel safe, with people who take care of me. And this means a lot today»
Fondazione Maddalena Grassi manages two shelters:
- a shelter with high health integration in Seveso
- a shelter with low health integration in Concorezzo
What are they
Who are they addressing?
The high-intensity care home is aimed at patients from 18 years of age affected by HIV and with complex healthcare and healthcare needs.< /strong>
The house hosts 10 people on a residential basis and 2 people on a day basis.
The Extra HIV Project, created in collaboration between the Maddalena Grassi Foundation and the Municipality, is aimed at the inclusion of non-HIV patients . The project also aims to encourage coexistence between people affected by HIV and not, promoting integration and social cohesion.
The low-intensity care home is aimed at patients from 18 years of age affected by HIV who do not have complex healthcare and healthcare needs.
Delivery method
- For high health integration the fee is entirely paid by the National Health Service (SSN).
- For low health integration a guest’s contribution to the social/hotel expenses is required.
Activation of the service
The Social Services or the Hospital, having identified the need for hospitalization of the patient at the Housing Home, forwards a request to the Management for an evaluation. The report includes:
- Infectious disease report
- Psychiatric report (if necessary)
- li>Social Service Report
Observation period
At the end of the trial period, by mutual agreement between the operators and the guest, the Educational Project is formulated and the guest officially enters the Guest House.
The Casa Accommodation team is made up of:
- Direction
- Educators
- Nurses
- Infectious disease doctors
- Physiotherapists
- Social health workers/social assistance auxiliaries
- Volunteers
- Spiritual assistant
- Educational psychologist
The structures
The high-intensity care home is located in Baruccana di Seveso, in via Meredo 39. It hosts 10 people on a residential basis and 2 people on a day basis. It has an agreement with the ATS of Monza-Brianza.
Today it is the second most important home in Lombardy for people affected by HIV.
Opened in 1994, offers Home Accommodation and Cohousing services. u>
It includes 2 residentialunits.
In the first unit: p>
- 6 apartments (4 double rooms and 2 single rooms)
- 10 beds in total
- 2 apartments (2 double rooms)
- 4 beds in total
In the second unit:

Casa di Seveso
The Seveso Highly Integrated Healthcare Home is for patients aged 18 and over who are HIV positive and have complex healthcare and assistance needs. The home accommodates 10 people in a residential setting and 2 people in a day setting.

Casa San Camillo
The Concorezzo low-health integration residential home is for patients aged 18 and over who are HIV positive and do not have complex healthcare and assistance needs. The home hosts 10 people in a residential setting and 2 people in a day setting.
Service charter
Fondazione Maddalena Grassi
Seveso (MB), via Meredo 39
Direttrice: Elizabeth Cendra
Mail: cendra@fondazionemaddalenagrassi.it
Concorezzo (MB), via San Camillo De Lellis 4
Direttrice: Elizabeth Cendra
Mail: caconcorezzo@fondazionemaddalenagrassi.it